La nostra squadra

Meet the CIRCE international team!

Silvia Calamai

Silvia Calamai is the CIRCE Project Coordinator. She is full professor of General Linguistics and Sociolinguistics at the University of Siena, Italy. She works on sociophonetics and oral archives and is a member of the Speech and Tech research group within CLARIN's European infrastructure.

Silvia Calamai
Project Coordinator

Laurie Anderson

Laurie Anderson is professor of English language and translation at the University of Siena, Italy. Her research focuses primarily on English in migratory settings, with particular attention to English as a lingua franca in academic settings.

Laurie Anderson

Giorgio Carella

Giorgio Carella is a Post-Doc researcher at the University of Siena and Adjunct Professor (2022-2023) at the University of Roma Tre. His main research interests are the syntactic and prosodic realization of discourse categories. He has also worked extensively on the assessment of (linguistic) competence as well as on L1 and L2 acquisition processes.

Giorgio Carella

Letizia Cirillo

Letizia Cirillo is associate professor of English language and translation at the University of Siena, Italy. Her research interests include asymmetrical aspects of institutional discourse, with a focus on interaction with migrant end-users, including children, in public service settings.

Letizia Cirillo

Marylin Kies

Marylin Kies teaches English at the University of Siena, Italy. She has also worked in ELT publishing, for Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press. She has published papers on the comparative evaluation of different forms of English language certification.

Marylin Kies

Rosalba Nodari

Rosalba Nodari is a fixed-term researcher and teaches Language acquisition and language teaching at the University of Siena, Italy.Her research interests are linguistic discrimination, sociophonetics, oral archives and language and gender.

Rosalba Nodari

Irene Perli

Irene Perli is a student at the University of Siena.The focus of her Bachelor’s degree was Languages for Intercultural and Business Communication; now she is studying for her Master’s degree in Communication. Irene was part of our group until May 2024.

Irene Perli

Duccio Piccardi

Duccio Piccardi is a Post-Doc researcher at the University of Siena and Temporary Professor in General Linguistics (2022-2023) at the University of Pavia. His main research interests are Italian sociophonetics, dialectology and sound symbolism. He has conducted fieldwork in Italian school settings investigating specific linguistics teaching methods; he has also worked on linguistic discrimination and high schoolers’ perception of dialect geography. Duccio was part of our group until November 2023.

Duccio Piccardi

viola di quinzio unisi

Viola Di Quinzio is a student at the University of Siena. She got her bachelor degree in Communication Sciences and is currently attending a Master in Corporate Communication at the University of Siena.

Viola Di Quinzio

ginevra galilei unisi

Ginevra Galilei is a student at the University of Siena. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Linguistic and Cultural Mediation and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Languages for Business and Development. Additionally, she holds a Vocational Education and Training diploma in Management of Cultural Heritage.

Ginevra Galilei

Claudia Soria

Claudia Soria is Researcher at the Institute for Computational Linguistics of the National Research Council, Italy. As a computational linguist, she works at the intersection of Natural Language Processing and Digital Humanities, and in particular, in support for digital language diversity and for minority language maintenance and revitalization.

Claudia Soria

Valeria Quochi

Valeria Quochi is Researcher at the Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “A. Zampolli”, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Her recent activities focus on cross-disciplinary collaborations with other fields of the SSH, particularly in the context pan-European Common LAnguage and technology Research INfrastructure (CLARIN).

Valeria Quochi

Paola Baroni

Paola Baroni is a Technologist at CNR-ILC. Since 1998 she has been involved in national and international research projects, committees, working groups, initiatives and research infrastructures. Since 2015 she has been involved in CLARIN-IT (the Italian node of CLARIN), ILC4CLARIN (CLARIN B-Centre) and DiPText-KC (CLARIN K-Centre) for the management of membership procedures and of Web, communication and dissemination activities.


Riccardo Del Gratta

Riccardo Del Gratta is Researcher at the Institute for Computational Linguistics of the National Research Council, Italy. His recent activities focus on the formalization on entities and relationships in the philological domain. He is responsible for the ILC4CLARIN repository as well as member of the Standing Commettee for the Clarin Technial Center and of the CLARIN Center Assessment Commettee. He alse server as referee for the WP4 of PNRR project H2IOS as responsible of the overall architecture of the CLARIN-IT Data Center.

Riccardo Del Gratta


Souzana Maria Serveta is currently a postgraduate student of Digital Humanities of Hellenic Open University. She is a graduate of the Department of English Language and Literature of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Souzana Maria Serveta

Robert Fuchs

Robert Fuchs is Associate Professor of English Linguistics at the University of Hamburg, Germany. His research interests include the study of varieties of English across the world and its use as a Native, Second or Foreign Language, including their phonetics and phonology, syntax, sociolinguistic relevance as well as recent diachronic change, applications in second and foreign language teaching and learning and the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in linguistics

Robert Fuchs
WP2 Leader

Tjorven Halves UH

Tjorven Halves is a PhD student of English linguistics and research assistant at the University of Bonn. Her main research interests are World Englishes, grammatical and sociolinguistic variation, and learner English.


Philipp Meer

Philipp Meer is a postdoctoral researcher in English linguistics at the University of Münster. His research focuses on World Englishes, sociolinguistics & sociophonetics, acoustic phonetics, language attitudes, corpus linguistics, and applied (esp. educational) linguistics.

Philipp Meer
WP2 Deputy Leader

Frauke Matz

Frauke Matz is Chair of English Language Education at the University of Münster, Germany. Her research interests lie in the field of teaching methodology of literature, with a special focus on young adult fiction and digital texts, and the role of cultural studies, cosmopolitan and human rights education in the English language education context.

Frauke Matz

Karoline Wirbatz UM

Karoline Wirbatz is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Münster. Her research focuses on digitalisation, L1 and L2 acquisition, early bilingual education in kindergarten and primary school contexts, and teachers’ professional development.

Karoline Wirbatz

Ricardo Römhild

Ricardo Römhild is a post-doctoral researcher and lecturer at the University of Münster. His research interests include cultural learning and global citizenship education, Global Englishes Language Teaching, and (language) education for sustainable development. Ricardo serves as a coordinator for the German branch of the ELINET network.

Ricardo Römhild

Lena Hertzel – UM

Lena Hertzel (she/her) works as a research assistant in EFL Education at the University of Duisburg-Essen and recently joined the ELE-Team at the University Münster to partly substitute for the absent Dr. Ricardo Römhild until October 2025. She studied English and History at the University of Münster and graduated with a master’s degree (Master of Education für das Lehramt an Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen) in 2022. During her studies she spent a year abroad in Ghana to work as a volunteer at PEC School in Nsawam Adoagyiri. Her main research interests revolve around cultural learning, global citizenship education and anti-racist education. In addition, one of her core concerns is the consideration of Post- and Decolonial Theories in ELE. Following up on this, her PhD project is concerned with decolonizing cultural learning.

Lena Hertzel

Luis Guerra

Luis Guerra is an Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics/English Linguistics at the University of Evora, Portugal. He was the national coordinator of the ERASMUS+ ILTERG Project and is currently the national coordinator of the Erasmus+ EUREDIE Project. His research interests are ELF/EIL, World Englishes, ELF-based teaching methodology, intercultural communication, and intercultural citizenship.

Luis Guerra
WP3 Leader

Jean Antunes

Jean Antunes is a PhD candidate in Linguistics at the University of Évora, Portugal. He is affiliated with the Centre for Studies in Letters (CEL-UÉ) and also as a researcher at the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES). He holds a Master of Education from the Aga Khan University, Institute for Educational Development, East Africa, and a degree in English and Literature from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. His research interests include English as a Lingua Franca, Intercultural Communicative Competence, and Language in Education.

Jean Antunes

Lili Cavalheiro

Lili Cavalheiro has a PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Lisbon, where she is also a researcher at ULICES – University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies. She currently teaches within the MA in ELT at NOVA University of Lisbon. Her research interests include: English as a lingua franca, English Language Teaching, Teacher education, Materials development and Intercultural Citizenship Education.


Laura Melgao

Laura Melgão is a PhD candidate in Linguistics at the University of Évora, Portugal. With a Bachelor in Languages and Literatures and a Master’s in Communication, she is now focused on Applied Linguistics and her current research thesis will address accentism, L1 and L2, and language discrimination in the classroom.


Ricardo Pereira

Ricardo Pereira is an Assistant Professor at the Polytechnic University of Leiria and a researcher at ULICES. He holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics and has participated in international Erasmus+ projects such as ILTERG, ENRICH and EUREDIE. His research interests include English as a Lingua Franca, language teacher education and ICT integration in ELT.


Vildana Dubravac

Vildana Dubravac is an Associate Professor in the English Language and Literature Department, International Burch University, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her research interests include second/foreign language acquisition, English linguistics, and the historical and contemporary status of English.


Amna Brdarevic-Čeljo

Amna Brdarević-Čeljo is an Associate Professor in the English Language and Literature Department, International Burch University, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her research interests include language variation, language ideologies, language attitudes, language and gender, language contact phenomenon.

WP4 Leader